Our biggest motivation is our kids wellness. thats why, we are concerned to give a complete and specialized service that guarantee the right recovery.

This includes: Medical consultation, psychiatry, reconstructive surgery. Likewise social care , Physical therapy,occupational therapy, psychological therapy. provission of: Lycra garments, silicone masks, personalized splints..



Las quemaduras producen gran impacto emocional que requiere el apoyo especializado para superar el trauma psicológico y poder realizar una terapia de rehabilitación exitosa.



Allows  proper maturation , scars reshaping, and to recover the movement and  functionality through exercises that are performed on burned  or adjacent areas.

Through physical therapy we will help the patient in the prevention and recovery of their aftermath , achieving the best aesthetic and functional level, where we Will use different techniques.

All this Will be done according to their evolutionary stage, thus avoiding hypertrophic scars with complications.



La terapia psicológica consiste en brindar orientación y apoyo emocional frente al trauma de la quemadura que impacta al paciente y su familia. De igual manera, se le brinda al paciente herramientas para un afrontamiento eficaz a lo largo del tratamiento y que sea capaz de combatir los problemas psicológicos que se originan por una secuela; así mismo, se trabaja con él la manera de sobrellevar una cicatriz visible a lo largo de su desarrollo evolutivo pasando desde la niñez hasta la adultez.


At this stage, the rehabilitation physician follows the patients throughout the healing treatment as a whole. An evaluation of the burnt patient's physiatry determines the condition of each damaged limb that is in danger of being lost or that can be recovered. Each case is unique, so a specific therapeutic treatment is designed focused on the goals of each patient.

Depending on the patients needs, the rehabilitation plan can include physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, and occupational, psychological, or psychiatric therapies. Some patients might need interventions such as paravertebral blocks, punctures, hydrodistens, neuroprolotherapy and neural therapy, use of k-tape, facial manipulation, master formulas, pharmacological infiltrations with corticosteroids, antineoplastic drugs, hyperosmolar substances for prolotherapy, or platelet rich plasma, which are also considered in our rehabilitation plans.

In addition, there is ongoing bioengineering research on the use of sensors, 3D printing and tele-rehabilitation.


Las quemaduras producen secuelas como retracción cicatricial que requiere liberación quirúrgica para la recuperación de la función y mejoramiento de la apariencia.



The Social Service Area is in charge of analyzing the social and economic situation of each patient with burns injuries, their family and familiar surroundings, so they can complete the rehabilitation integral process at the institution and their environment.

Being part of the important burn survivor care team , social service gives support and advisory to differents problems that appear during hospitalization and rehabilitation.

Also, in coordination with the psychology area, it addresses the problem of social reintegration from recreational, academic and in some cases to the culmination of professional goals.



Its main objective is the patients burn sequela rehabilitation using purposeful activities as a tool .

Occupational therapy allows our patients to recover their autonomy to daily life activities. in case of the children, is carried out through plays, psychomotor skills, grip function and neurodevelopment according to age. 
for adults, it is through passive,  active , daily life and productives activities that help to recover functional perfomance.

Treatment is supplemented only if it is necessary , with the confection of different kinds of splints and /or silicone mask.
