The central objective in ANIQUEM is to get the burn survivors back to activities they did before they were injured, for example kids need to return to the school in which case we make sure he or she is accepted, in the other hand, grown –up need to work or do another daily routines, in both cases they go back to their life recovered in a functional and psychologic way. That’s why, we carry out festivals, visits, camps, walks, among other activities that allow them to get involved with their peers, raise their self-esteem and develop their independence.
Nuestro Festival Navideño es una de las actividades de reinserción más importantes que realizamos. En ella, los pequeños no sólo gozan de una mañana de diversión, sino que también interactúan con otras personas además de sus familiares y son conscientes de que a pesar de las lesiones pueden y merecen entretenerse como cualquier otro niño. Por otro lado, sus padres también están presentes en esta actividad realizando -en paralelo- dinámicas de independencia y confianza.
As part of social reintegration and in collaboration with Canadian friends CAFA, We have held the twentieth camp in which our children develop with the greatest normality and wellness in a place close to the city per 3 days.
During these days, we carry out various activities in order that they get to know each other, integrate and, most importantly, assume their consequences without fear and can exchange moments of great joy with their peers. In those days of being away from their parents, children and teenagers gradually learn to be responsible and independent. In addition, they find more confidence in their peers and increase their self-esteem through games and dynamics proposed by our specialist psychologist.